After-School Club
The before and after school clubs provide a wide range of activities to extend children's knowledge, skills and understanding. They are particularly useful for parents who work extended hours, and complement the school holiday provision. All facilities for school age children are known as 'Pathways Kidzones'. The before and after-school clubs are on school sites with access to school facilities. The clubs are structured, yet less formal than school, with an emphasis on relaxing, playing and learning together in a happy, purposeful environment. Children are expected to behave with consideration to others and feel a sense of belonging to the group. We encourage a sense of pride in attending and offer at least one planned activity each evening. Children have plenty of choice from a wide range of resources as the club is a blend between home and school. A limited amount of appropriate TV or DVD may be watched. Children have opportunities to develop independence, resilience, physical and social skills, responsibility and reciprocity.
Children may attend a minimum of 2 sessions a week. Spaces are limited and priority is given to those requiring 5 sessions. Children attending before and after school are given priority places during school holidays.
The club has special events throughout the year for example Sports Coaching, Mini-Disco or a Cinema/ Bowling Trip.
Typical Routine
Welcome Time: Register, hand washing, drink, fruit/snack, news time...
Activity Zone Time - Choose from a range of child and adult planned open ended resources and equipment - Creative Zone, IT Area, Games, Outdoor Spaces, Sports Zone...
Light Meal and Drink or Second Snack
Table top activities, games, drawing, books, construction and appropriate TV or IT
The club is very active and the afternoon the only complaint is they don't want to go home!