Summary of Key Policies

Pathways practices are based on a number of well established policies that are regularly reviewed and updated.

Please find below a summary of the key policies that we are required to share with parents.
The full version of these and our other non-statutory policies are available in each of our settings.

Please ensure you are aware of our child protection policy before your child starts nursery.

+Recommended Periods of Exclusion Due to Illness

Policies and procedures are in place to prevent the spread of infection. Pathways reserves the right to refuse admission to a child who appears unwell, or is showing sign and symptoms of infection. Parents must provide emergency contact details and be able to arrange to collect their child should they become unwell during a session. NHS 111 and 999 are used where necessary.

Recommended Periods of Exclusion

+GDPR Privacy Notice

+Child Protection and Safeguarding

Commitment to Safeguarding Statement

Pathways is committed to Safeguarding children and adults. We believe that Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. All employees attend training on Safeguarding. Protecting children and adults from harm or neglect is given top priority. This demands careful observations, and the reporting of any concerns in accordance with the law, company policy and local safeguarding partnership procedures provided by Solihull and Warwickshire. Staff have a legal duty to follow these procedures. Intruder, visitor and lockdown procedures are in place.

We will not tolerate any actions from parents, carers or employees which could cause any form of actual or potential harm or distress to any child or adult. Stringent safer recruitment procedures and ongoing suitability checks on employees are conducted. Any allegations against staff are fully investigated in line with national guidance. Any parent who appears intoxicated will not be allowed to remove a child from our premises. If a child is perceived to be at immediate risk of harm or in danger 999 will be called.

Pathways is committed to the promotion of British Values and the prevention of radicalisation of children. Corporal punishment and any other action, including isolation or ‘time out’, are strictly prohibited on Pathways premises. Personal cameras or phones are not used where children are present. CCTV is in place.

All employees are obliged to disclose any change of personal circumstance which may impact on their suitability to work with young children. Any concerns about children or staff should be reported immediately to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) in a branch or speak to a director (Beth Casey/Caroline Jones) who can be contacted via the office (01926 484030).

All staff are committed to this statement and parents are made aware of Pathways legal duty to report concerns as part of their induction. More information can be found in our Safeguarding Policy file and on the notice board.

+Inclusion and Special Educational Needs

This is an area of expertise in our settings. Our director is internationally recognised in the field. Children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) are encouraged to participate fully in nursery life. We engage with parents and are supported by outside agencies. Pathways follows the assess, plan, do and review process in the SEND Code of Practice. Parents will be involved, informed and supported should any concerns arise. Children’s views are taken into account. If you think your child may need learning support, please discuss this with us prior to admission.

+Working with Parents, Professionals and Community

Parents are involved, informed and valued at Pathways. Parents receive regular newsletters and the parents’ notice board is available to share information. Parents are given suggestions as to how they may support their child’s learning and development at home. There are parent events and parents are welcome to help. We value daily verbal contact with parents and appointments may be made as necessary. Written and visual feedback is provided online. Whilst we comply with parent's wishes as far as possible the needs of the child are paramount and staff are legally obliged to comply with statutory requirements. Parents are required to sign and abide by a contract and if this is not adhered to the service may be suspended. Any abusive behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated and may be reported to the police. The nursery works in partnership with schools and local authorities, as well as with the local community.

+Health and Safety

Pathways takes all possible measures to reduce the transmission of infection. The company procedures ensure health and safety is paramount. Every effort is made to keep children and adults physically and emotionally safe and secure. Robust risk assessments and cleaning checklists are in place. Parents should inform us of allergies, previous injuries, operations and illnesses. CCTV is in use across all branches. Staff are pediatric first aid trained and fire/accident procedures are in place. Food hygiene standards are met.

+Concerns, Complaints and Compliments

Pathways welcomes constructive feedback, listens and takes account of parents views, in ongoing improvement planning. Through positive relationships and an open door approach, concerns are usually resolved at an early stage. Formal written complaints are investigated and responded to in line with national requirements. Please contact the branch manager of a director if you have a concern and we will do our best to respond in a timely manner. Please note we do not tolerate abuse or threatening behaviour from parents and reserve the right to give notice to parents who express complaints in an unreasonable manner or if there is a breakdown in the trusting relationship. Parents should read the Complaints, Concerns and compliments policy for further details, prior to leaving their child unattended..
Complaints and Concerns Procedure

+Behaviour and Attitudes

Staff have high expectations. Behaviour is managed in a calm, firm and consistent manner, with appropriate praise and sanctions. Corporal punishment, shouting or any other method likely to cause harm or distress to a child are never used. Concerns about behaviour are shared with parents. Bullying and discrimination are not tolerated. Help from outside agencies is available for children needing emotional/behavioural support. Children are encouraged to gain a sense of self-control, and be sensitive to the needs of others.

+Equality of Opportunity

Pathways is an inclusive employer. We will not tolerate any form of discrimination and expect all employees to always treat one another with respect. We value difference and treat each employee, child and parent fairly. We expect all children and parents to be treated with the utmost respect and valued regardless of differences in religion, cultural heritage, social background, ability, disability or any other circumstance. Children with disabilities are welcomed and valued. Reasonable adjustments will be made for employees with disabilities. Employees are obliged to report any concerns in relation to the discrimination, harassment or other inappropriate behaviour towards anyone working for or associated with the company. Pathways manage equality and diversity according to legal requirements.

+Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum

Curriculum Statement
Our curriculum is:
- inclusive and aims to ensure our children feel valued, safe and happy
- based on knowing each child well and taking account of their individual needs, interests and experiences
- based on positive relationships and interactions in enabling indoor and outdoor environments
- promoted through active learning, play and exploration, creativity and critical thinking
- characterised by high expectations of all children promoted through high quality care, teaching and learning experiences
- underpinned by promoting children’s wellbeing, curiosity, and love of learning
- shaped by leadership and teamwork by passionate practitioners working in partnership with parents and professionals
- includes everything a child sees, hears, feels and experiences, planned, routine and unplanned
- broad and balanced across the 7 areas of learning and development with a focus on personal, social and emotional development, physical and language and communication
- underpinned by national frameworks and standards (EYFS ) Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework - GOV.UK ( guidance including Birth to Five Matters Birth To 5 Matters – Guidance by the sector, for the sector and Development Matters

Created by members of the Pathways team – March 5th 2022
