Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes

There is a strong emphasis on children’s emotional well-being, and positive relationships. Staff assess wellbeing and involvement using a well-known scale. Our settings provide a family ethos in a homely, caring where environment children feel safe and secure. Children’s emotional wellbeing is nurtured through positive interactions with staff and with each other. Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), including sharing, taking turns, behaviour and self-control, developing confidence, expressing feelings, and respectful relationships, is promoted through the daily routine and in circle times. Children have opportunities to express themselves in a variety of ways, for example, through art, drawing, and music. Our role play area is continually used as a tool for personal and emotional development and represent their experiences. Resources are accessible so children can take things out and put them away independently.

Praise is used to promote high self-esteem and a positive sense of identity. We help children make a positive contribution to the setting by listening to them and taking account of their views, encouraging them to share their experiences, make choices and decisions. We encourage children to take responsibility. for example in helping to tidy up, choosing stories and songs. There are high expectations for children’s behaviour.  Children celebrate and value the beliefs and cultures of other children within and beyond the setting through discussion and activities. Staff model positive values in relation to diversity, democracy and British Values, and children are encouraged to be sensitive to the needs of others.

Children participate in small group time each session to gain a sense of belonging.  Children are helped to feel secure in their surroundings by a flexible pattern to the day and a visual timetable. They are supported in managing transitions from home to nursery, from nursery to school and settling in after a period of absence.

Staff provide role models of expected behaviour and attitudes. Children are given clear and consistent age appropriate boundaries, simple golden rules and rewards for safe behaviour and positive attitudes.

There are additional policies, procedures and practices in place including – equality of  opportunity, behaviour and attitudes, inclusion and anti-bullying. These are followed by all staff to enable them to ensure all children are physically, emotionally and mentally healthy.

If there are any significant concerns about your child’s behaviour or wellbeing, parents are informed and work with staff, or outside agencies to support the child in managing their emotions.