Starting April 2025!
Open 8.00 am - 5.00 pm for
Who is it for?
Primary School Children - 4+ (Reception) - 11 year-olds
Half-Terms, Easter and Summer Holidays
High-quality, inclusive provision
Sports, discos, treasure hunts, crafts, den-building, trips & lots more!
Spaces are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis
Fees and Sessions
Short Day - 9.00-3.30 - £25.00
5 x Short Days (full week) - 9.00-3.30 - £100.00 (£20.00 per day)
Long Day - 8.00-5.00 - £32.50
5 x Long Days (full week) - 8.00-5.00 - £130.00 (£26.00 per day)
Extended Hours:
Early Birds - 8.00-9.00 - £4.00
3.30 Club - 3.30-5.00 - £6.00
Regular healthy snacks and drinks included throughout the day
Family and NHS Discount - 5% discount
No refunds for absence

- Children should be dressed appropriately with safe footwear and suitable indoor and outdoor clothing. Each child will have a baseball cap and high-viz to be worn outside, on local walks and trips.
- Remember to send a packed lunch. No sweets, please.
- Breakfast is included for those attending before 9.00 a.m.
- Light snacks included mid-morning, and mid-afternoon for those attending 9.00-3.30.
- Extra snack included for those staying after 3.30 p.m.
- Water will be available all day.
- Each child will be involved in planning and choosing activities.
- There will be a balance of child-initiated, adult-led activities and routine activities each day.
- Extended hours 8.00-9.00 and 3.30-5.00 will be a free choice from the available resources, indoor and outdoor (including controlled screen time after 3.30)
- Tennis coaching may be available at additional cost, subject to availability. Ask for information.