Children’s Learning and Development

Pathways offers a curriculum based on national government guidance, based on educational programmes which promote 7 areas of learning and development. Staff know your child well and observe and support their care, learning and development through carefully planned routines, continuous provision and individual interactions with each child. Each child has one of two ‘special people’ known as ‘Key Persons’. The key person is someone who observes and interacts with your child on a regular basis, keeping track of their progress. Information is shared through day to day conversations,e-mail, phone, virtual and/or face to face meetings. Parents will be sent photos showing a range of experiences.  Staff are required to complete a written 2 year old progress check and a written progress summary is provided each year. These are shared securely on the ParentZone. Parents are welcome to add comments and photos to the system and share their child’s experiences and achievements beyond nursery.

Each child is unique and progresses at different rates in the various areas of learning and development. However, a national set of typical age related outcomes, is used to support staff as they look, listen, note and plan the next steps in a child’s learning. Next steps are shared with you as parents so you can extend and support your child’s learning and development at home. More information on our curriculum is provided at our information evenings, Facebook pages and on newsletters.


Individual Needs

A small number of children may need additional education, health and/or care support. If, in spite of extra help given by the team and the parents, it seems that any child is still making less progress than would be expected, a specific individual education plan may be needed. The key person will talk to parents and agree some specific targets and strategies to be implemented and reviewed. If as a parent, you have any concerns about your child’s learning or development needs, please speak the setting manager.  Each setting has a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) who can offer support and advise for any specific needs, gaps in learning or disabilities. Our Inclusion Policy provides details of how, with your consent, we may work with other agencies professionals to identify, assess and support any child with additional needs. Children with additional needs and disabilities are welcome. we recognise that every child has individual needs, strengths and interests and our starting point is what a child can do, rather than when he or she cannot do. Where there are significant gaps in progress, next steps are based on supporting children with targets that are specific, measurable, achievable and time-defined (SMART).

English as an Additional Language

Children with English as an an Additional Language (EAL), are welcome and appropriate strategies are in place to encourage communication and language. Parents may be asked to provide some resources, for example, books or words in the first language to help the child participate and give them a sense of identity and belonging. All children are encouraged to value and respect social, cultural and linguistic differences. Pathways is an equal opportunities provider and any form of discrimination is not tolerated.